Are There Limits to Free Speech?

Document Type : Original Article


Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University


Freedom of speech has traditionally been a cause championed by the left and liberal side of the political spectrum, against conservatives who have tried to limit the expression of radical ideas. Here are three examples from the United States: 1) When I was appointed to Princeton University in 1999, Steve Forbes, whose father had endowed the university’s Forbes College, called for my appointment to be rescinded, and pledged that he would not donate to the university as long as I was on the faculty. Forbes was, at the time, running for the Republican nomination for president.


Article Title [Persian]

آیا آزادی بیان محدودیت دارد؟

Author [Persian]

  • پیتر سینگر
استاد برجسته فلسفه دانشگاه پرینستون آمریکا
Abstract [Persian]

Freedom of speech has traditionally been a cause championed by the left and liberal side of the political spectrum, against conservatives who have tried to limit the expression of radical ideas. Here are three examples from the United States: 1) When I was appointed to Princeton University in 1999, Steve Forbes, whose father had endowed the university’s Forbes College, called for my appointment to be rescinded, and pledged that he would not donate to the university as long as I was on the faculty. Forbes was, at the time, running for the Republican nomination for president.

Keywords [Persian]

  • آزادی
  • سخن
  • محدودیت
  • آلمان
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